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Writer's picture Rebecca Burkett, LM, CPM

The Midwifery Supplies Chronicles: A Peak Inside the Bags of Allomother Midwifery (Part I)

*Part I – Appointment Bag*

*DO NOT HESITATE to reach out with any questions or concerns that you may have after viewing anything in this series*

The following supplies/equipment pictured from left to right & top to bottom, includes:

1. Appointment Bag (It’s Purple of course) – to hold all these supplies

2. Newborn Carrying Case – This holds the following equipment: Icterometer (to check for and monitor newborn jaundice), newborn heel pokers and bandaids for the Newborn Metabolic Screen (NBS), rice pack for warming baby’s heel for NBS poke, alcohol swabs to clean heel before NBS poke, Pulse Oximeter to screen baby for Critical Congenital Heart Defects

3. Sterile gloves and non-sterile gloves

4. Glucometer and carrying case – if client chooses to screen for Gestational Diabetes at home with real food, and to check baby’s glucose levels after birth if indicated

5. Blood/Labwork orders – to send out for blood/lab work, including initial labs for OB panel, or other labwork as indicated in pregnancy or postpartum (I can also perform blood draws at home or in office *SEE BONUS LABWORK BAG IN THIS SERIES*)

6. Urinalysis Dipsticks – not routinely used but they can monitor several conditions that may come up in pregnancy. Did you now that your urine can say A LOT about your overall health?!

7. Hemoglobin test strips – to monitor your hemoglobin in pregnancy and postpartum, which is related to anemia (low iron)

8. Thermometer

9. Reflex Hammer – to use during initial physical exam and to monitor reflexes as indicated

10. Aloe Gel and (2) fetal dopplers – to listen to baby’s heartbeat during prenatal appointments. I always have 2 just in case 😉

11. Measuring tape – to monitor uterine and baby’s growth by measuring fundal height throughout pregnancy

12. Fetoscope – another option to listen to baby’s heart beat without using a doppler, which is ultrasound technology, (this is basically like a stethoscope for listening to babies still inside the womb, but can only be used after about 20 weeks gestation)

13. Sling (Purple with stars) and Scale – used during postpartum visits to do weight checks and monitor weight gain in the first 6 weeks

14. Stethoscope – to use during blood pressure checks and the basic physical exam at that start of care to listen to the heart and lungs

15. Blood Pressure Cuffs and Sphygmomanometer – both for average sized and above average sized adults

16. Electronic Blood Pressure Device – to send home with client if blood pressure issues arise and increased monitoring is indicated


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